Welcome to Eurachem 2019!

“Validation of targeted and non-targeted methods of analysis”


On behalf of Eurachem Estonia, we are delighted to warmly invite you to the “Eurachem Week 2019” which in addition to the Eurachem General Assembly (for national delegates) also includes a scientific workshop in Tartu, Estonia.


The scientific workshop “Validation of targeted and non-targeted methods of analysis” takes place on May 20th and 21st, with the General Assembly from May 23rd to 24th.


Tartu is situated in southern Estonia and connects to the world primarily through Tallinn, Estonia’s capital. Tallinn is easily accessed by plane straight from most Europe largest airports.

Submit conference paper to:


Dr Ivo Leito
Professor in Analytical Chemistry, ivo.leito@ut.ee
Dr Riin Rebane
Project Manager, riin.rebane@ut.ee