PD Dr. habil. Steffen Uhlig
PD Dr. habil. Steffen Uhlig finished his Ph.D. in 1992 at FU Berlin (Free University Berlin) on a new statistical methodology for the analysis of designed experiments. From 1992 until 1997 he worked as an assistant professor at FU Berlin on experimental and sampling design and finished his habilitation thesis at FU Berlin on “Robust Estimation in Covariance Models with Applications in Quality Management and Financial Markets” in 1997. From 1997 until 1999 he headed a research group on statistical methods for trend estimation. Since 1999 he has been scientific head of QuoData GmbH.
He headed many projects on statistical aspects of measurement methods and on experimental and sampling design at national, European and international level, and he has long-term cooperation with industry, academia and governmental authorities on these topics. He is working as an external statistician for a number of governmental authorities.
Steffen Uhlig has 20 years of experience in international working groups and committees both as member and chairman e.g. within ISO, European Commission and OECD. He prepared more than 200 scientific reports and international official documents such as DIN standards and ISO standards, guidance documents of OECD and European Commission. He is official project leader for several ISO standards dealing with method validation and uncertainty of measurement, such as ISO 5725-3, ISO/NP TS 23471, ISO/NP TS 27878, ISO 16140-4, ISO 16140-5.
Steffen Uhlig recently made a major contribution to a joint workshop series organized by US FDA, IIT and QuoData on the validation of microbiological methods and is working in the field of establishing novel methodologies for validation of non-targeted methods based on machine learning.